How Many Days Does It Take To Learn Salesforce?

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  • #1996 Reply
    Ekansh Bedi

    Hello everyone, I’m Ekansh and I want to start my career as a Salesforce developer. To be honest I don’t start learning salesforce yet. But I want to start the learning part shortly.

    I have a bad habit of estimating the time to be taken to complete any course before I get started. So, first of all, I would like to know that how many days does it take to learn Salesforce.

    Can someone give me an approx idea of the number of days so that I can schedule the learning modules accordingly and can get a job very soon?

    #2078 Reply
    Rohini Sharma

    I also want to know that how many days it takes to learn Salesforce from scratch for a beginner who only has basic knowledge of programming languages. It would be very helpful for us.

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