Do You Need Any Programming Experience For ServiceNow?

Home Forums ServiceNow Forum Do You Need Any Programming Experience For ServiceNow?

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  • #2164 Reply
    Munish Chandra

    Hi everyone!

    I wanted to know that do I need any programming experience for ServiceNow?

    Does anyone from the community know which programming language is worth learning for ServiceNow? I wanted to know this query just because I’m very interested in doing programming and I have chosen ServiceNow technology as my career path.

    Kindly mention the names of the languages that are important for ServiceNow and also tell the best learning platforms. Thanks in advance!

    #2260 Reply
    Present Slide

    ServiceNow is not that programming extensive for most of the admin level activities. But, if you want to move on to the advanced functions of ServiceNow, you will require to have enough knowledge of programming languages such as JavaScript, HTML, and CSS. These programming languages are not that hard to learn and you would be able to learn them in 2-3 months’ time.

    You can check out our YouTube Channels section to find resources for learning these skills.


    #2298 Reply
    Himanshu Sharma

    This is one of the major questions being asked if we need to learn to program for ServiceNow. You might have got the answer to your query by Present Slide. You can learn more about ServiceNow and how much programming skills you need for it from the video below:


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