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Free Digital Marketing Course by Sorav Jain


Course Overview

From the Creators:

Have you learnt Digital Marketing? You haven’t? Well, not to worry! Here is an opportunity for you to start everything from scratch. I have made 21+ Free Video Lessons to Empower the world and embrace people with my knowledge in digital marketing and my passion for teaching.

I am in a mission to reach out to people and tell them Digital has a business side and it can be used for a purpose.

Like how you define the purpose of Life, I believe you should also define the purpose of Digital Life and here are those 21 lessons that you shall get every single day to master Digital Marketing.

Who this course is for:

This course is focused on beginners who want to dive into the field of Digital Marketing. They can start learning Digital Marketing from Sorav Jain right from scratch and this will help them in entering into the field with clear concepts.

Course Syllabus

There are mainly three modules in this Free Digital Marketing Course from Sorav Jain. After completing the course students will have a knowledge of Digital Marketing basics and clarity on the concepts on this subject. Some part of this course also aims at practical digital marketing and personal branding that shall help people get some practical experience.

The course modules are as follows:

  • Introduction to Digital Marketing
    • What is Digital Marketing?
    • Digital Scholar
    • Skills Required to Become Digital Marketer
    • 9 Reasons Why You Should be Learning Digital marketing
  • Various Modules of Digital Marketing
    • Introduction to Search Engine Optimization
    • Introduction to Search Engine Marketing
    • Introduction to Social Media Marketing
    • Affiliate Marketing
    • Email Marketing
    • Inbound Marketing
    • Landing Pages and More
  • Practical Digital Marketing Techniques
    • What is Google Analytics?
    • Polishing Your LinkedIn Profile
    • Polishing Your Twitter Profile
    • Generate Leads on Facebook
    • Generating Leads on LinkedIn
    • Running Ads on Twitter
    • Growing Instagram Followers
    • Using WhatsApp for Business and More

So these were some of the main elements of this free course from Sorav Jain. Looking at the course content you can guess that this is for an introduction to the field of Digital Marketing. You can get an overview and choose if this field suits you or not.

Taught by

Sorav Jain
Digital Marketing Course Sorav Jain










6 Hours, Self Paced